Parents & Friends

We acknowledge the valuable role our Parents & Friends Executive contribute to our school community.  Their role incorporates Parent Education, Building a Positive Community and Fundraising to match the School's Improvement Plan.

We are very grateful to our inaugural Executive Committee of Jim Fletcher, Leah Nanninga, Leah Camillieri and Mel Hart who proudly supported our school community since 2022.

Following the Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting on 6 March 2024, a new Executive Committee was elected. 


Leah Nanninga

Jaye Hurley

Kara Griffin

Laura Calvo Moore

Leonie Forde


To contact a member of the P&F please email 


Parents and Caregivers are invited to attend our P&F meetings that are scheduled for the following dates:

Term Two

Thursday 16 May and Thursday 6 June

Term Three

Thursday 8 August and Thursday 12 September

Term Four

Thursday 24 October