Our School Day


Our school day is designed to support the physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth of children.


The school gates open at 8:25am and learners are welcome to arrive at this time and play on the Plaza or under the Canopy with an educator on duty.  In the morning Mawson Oval, the Playground and Nature Play areas are out of bounds as they are not supervised.

Music begins to play at 8:42am and now it's time for learners to line up ready to move to their Neighbourhoods for learning. 

Learning begins in their Pastoral Care Group at 8:45am so it is important children are at school by 8:40am to be ready for the day.

The day begins with a Welcome Circle with the educator welcoming each learner and morning prayer together as a Pastoral Care Group.


A fruit break is offered each morning too and this is a no technology or teaching time, rather a 5 to 10 minute break to be ready to refocus.


Recess eating time is from 10:45 to 10:55am and is supervised by an educator. 

Sometimes a learner may need a little bit longer to eat and they are allowed to take their lunch box and follow expected behaviour.

Play time is 30 minutes from 10:55 to 11:25am and also supervised by educators.

If the Pastoral Care Group has a specialist lesson before recess, the supervised eating time is 11:25-11:35am back in their Neighbourhood.


Lunch eating time is from 12:55 to 1:05pm and is supervised by an educator. 

Like at Recess, there is the option for a learner to take their lunch box outside if they need more time.

Play time is again 30 minutes from 1:05 to 1:35pm and is supervised by educators.

At the end of each break, music is played to alert learners that it is time to line up in their designated year level places and proceed quietly inside.


The school day ends at 3:05pm after a 5 to 10 minute pack up time

Did you know?

At McAuley we offer a variety of play opportunities during Recess and Lunch including two supervised indoor play options:

  • Indoor play in the McAuley Gym  
  • McAuley Clubs held in the Be You Room

A Book Club, a Games and Chess Club, an Art Club, a Craft Club, a Lego Club and a Robotics Club are available to learners on a daily rotation. Recess and Lunch clubs have been split into Reception to Year 2 and Year 3 to Year 6 to encourage age-appropriate skill development. 



At McAuley, there are consistent timetables across Learning Neighbourhoods to provide optimal conditions for learning and collaboration between educators and learners. 

Please click here to view the Learning Timetable page on our website.